What is Keyboard and How to Use It - Shortcut Keys

What is Keyboard and How to Use It - Shortcut Keys

What Is Keyboard And How To Use It 

Working quickly on the computer is a different fun. If you also want to do any work on the computer quickly or the software (application) you are using and want to do any work in it quickly, then you should remember its shortcut keys. It helps us a lot to do any of the shortcuts. With the help of shortcut keys, you can do any work very quickly and well. Due to shortcut keys, many computer experts do any work very quickly. If you also do your work in the computer using shortcut keys, then you will be called an expert computer user, so let's know some useful Microsoft WordShortcut keys used in Here you can use all the shortcut keys given in any software of Microsoft Office package, whether it is new version or old version.

M / s. Word Basic Keyboard Shortcut Keys -MS Word Basic Keyboard Shortcut keys

Ctrl+A  All Select to select the entire text at once
Ctrl+B  To bold text
Ctrl+C  Copy to copy text
Ctrl+Dfont to change the default font settings
Ctrl+ETo center the center alignment text
Ctrl+FTo find
Ctrl+GGo to direct to a page or line
Ctrl+H  Replace to replace a word
Ctrl+Ito italic text italic
Ctrl+JJustify paragraph to justify
Ctrl+KTo place a hyperlink on the hyperlink page
Ctrl+LLeft Alignment to left-align text
Ctrl+Mleft indentation to increase indent
Ctrl+NCreate new File Create a new file
Ctrl+OOpen Exit file to open the file
Ctrl+PPrint to remove print
Ctrl+QClose to end indent
Ctrl+RRight alignment to right-align text
Ctrl+SSave file To save the file
Ctrl+TTo increase the handling indent on the hanging indentation page
Ctrl+U For underline underline
Ctrl+VTo paste text
Ctrl+WClose file To close a file or close a tab
Ctrl+XCut to cut the text
Ctrl+YTo redo redo
Ctrl+ZTo undo undo
F12To save the file as Save again
Alt + F4Close file or PC to close the file
Ctrl+F2Watch Print preview to see sample print preview
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