What is a computer called?

A computer is an electronic device that processes data into information. It performs calculations, stores data, and performs complex tasks automatically.

What is a computer called

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that processes information, such as entering, storing, processing data, and displaying results to the user. It can be directed by humans using input and output devices. Typically, computational and logical operations in a computer are carried out by a computer processor, which is called a computer processor in context. A computer can be in any form, such as a desktop, laptop, tablet, server, or other electronic device.

Full Form Of Computer

The full form of computer is "Computer", which is "Computer" in English.

The full form of "COMPUTER" is:

C- Commonly

O- Operated


P - Particularly

U - Used for

T- Technology,

E- Education, and


Computer parts

The main parts of a computer are as follows: -

  • 1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) - CPU is the main part of the computer which operates the calculation tasks. It performs simulation, standard and updated calculation tasks.
  • 2. Memory :- Memory is used to store computer data and instructions. It holds data needed for research, work, or other computing tasks.
  • 3. Input Devices : - These devices help the computer to receive information and data. Devices include keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, scanner, and webcam.
  • 4. Output Devices :- These devices help to display and present the computer's inactive data. The devices include monitors, printers, speakers, and projectors.
  • 5. Communication Devices : - These devices help computers to connect through a network. Devices include modems, routers, network cards, and Ethernet cables.
  • 6. Storage Devices : - These devices help to permanently store computer data. Devices include hard drives, solid state drives (SSD), pen drives, and optical disks.

How many types of computers are there?

There are many types of computers, which are as follows:-

  • Desktop Computers : These are bulky and are a solid concept. They include a monitor, keyboard, mouse, CPU, and other related devices.
  • Laptop Computers : These are portable and provide ease of use. They include a screen, keyboard, touchpad or mouse, and CPU.
  • Tablet Computers :- These are also portable and refer to the screen in which the user uses the touch screen.
  • Servers : These are large, powerful computers that help provide network services.
  • Supercomputers : These are powerful computers for specialized industries such as research and optimization.
  • Embedded Computers : These are small and simple computers that are built into other devices or systems, such as vehicles, home appliances, or electronic devices.

How a computer works

A computer uses various components to work, such as:

  • Input device : Receives information provided by the user, such as a keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen.
  • Processor :- Responsible for processing the input, which accounts for the bulk of the computer's functionality.
  • Memory :- Information is stored in it so that the processor can process it.
  • Output devices :- Used to display processed information, such as a monitor or printer.

Computers often interact with other similar devices, such as communications networks or other design equipment.

Generations of Computers: -

Different generations of computers are divided based on the time of their development. Each generation uses the latest technological innovations, processing power and other inventions.

  • First Generation - It used vacuum tubes, which were developed in the 1940s and 1950s. ENIAC and UNIVAC are classic examples of this generation.
  • Second Generation - Transistors were used in this, which were developed in the 1950s and 1960s. The IBM 1401 and IBM 360 are excellent examples of this generation.
  • Third Generation - Integrated Circuits (ICs) were used in this, which were developed in the 1960s and 1970s. This usually includes large modern computers and minicomputers.
  • Fourth Generation - It used VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) and microprocessors, which were developed in the 1970s and 1980s. This allowed computers to be produced in even greater numbers and they became more efficient, smaller, and simpler.
  • Fifth Generation - This is the foundation of present and future computers, in which such technological achievements are being used which are helpful in promoting the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence).
  • Initial development of computers - The initial development of computers was done by Charles Babbage. He created the first model called "Analytical Engine", which is generally considered to be the first common computer.

Input and Output Devices

Input Devices :- Input devices are used to enter information or data into the computer. Here are some major input devices:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Scanner
  • Touchscreen
  • Digital Camera

Output Devices :- Output devices are used to display data or information processed by the computer. Following are some of the major output devices:

  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Speaker
  • Projector

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