Top 7 Best Ways To Earn Money From Blogging 2024

The initial blogger does not know much about making money from blogging, so he is not able to earn much despite having good traffic on his blog. So today here I will tell you about the ways that I have tried to make money from Blogging and the ways that I make money from my blog. Best ways to earn money from your blog

earn money from blogging,  Best ways to earn money from your blog in Hindi.

When I started blogging in 2015 I was not aware of more ways to make money from blogging. But gradually after knowing blogging, I came to know how we can make more money from blogging.

And today I know of many great ways to make money from blogging. Now I earn more than $ 50,000 every year from blogging.

7 Tried and tested ways to earn money from blogging

There are 100+ ways to make money from blogging, but here I will only tell about the methods which actually earn more and which I have used.
If you have not yet created a blog, then first you can read our guide on how to start my own blog and make your own blog.

1. Sponsored Content

Content writing is a tried and true way for all types of brands to earn more money than blogging. I have used it.

For example, up to $ 100 is charged for Sponsored Post on this website. That is, if you also get 10 Sponsored Posts in 1 month, then you can earn $ 100 just by writing 10 posts.

However, it is difficult to find sponsored blog content every month. Yes, if your website is popular and it has millions of traffic, then you will get many such offers.

What is sponsored content? When a company pays you money to write posts about its product, service or brand, it is called sponsored content.

2. Affiliate Marketing

A blogger earns the most from the blog due to this affiliate marketing. This is the method that is most commonly used to make money from blogging.

There are many companies that pay a fixed payment/commission to write a promotion article about their product, service, brand or product.

For example, if a company is selling its product for $ 99, it provides 10%, 20% or 30% commission to bloggers to promote it.

Here we have explained everything about affiliate marketing with details,

You can start earning promotion and payment for their products by joining affiliate programs of companies with related products from the topic of your blog.

Apart from these, there are some companies, which provide commission for every time the customer pays, not only to promote their product.

For example, if you use Semrush in an affiliate program and a user buys Semrush $ 99 plan through your Referral link.

So you will get a 40% commission of that. Not only once, you will get commission as often as the customer renews the plan.

Here we have explained the best affiliate marketing programs for bloggers,

For more information on affiliate marketing, you can visit the Affiliate Marketing section of our blog.

3. Advertisements

You must have heard about Google AdSense. It is the most popular and good way of earning worldwide by advertising.

For those who do not know much about affiliate marketing, most such bloggers earn money from blogging with the help of Pay Per Click (Google Ads,

Ad placement is the best way to keep earning continuously from blogging. Best of all, for this, you do not need to find related products from your blog content.

Google automatically shows ads related to your blog content on your blog and you earn when a user clicks on it.

However, this earning starts at $ 0.05 per click. But it is better in case of continuously paid posts or not getting your product.

A large part of my blogging earnings comes from advertising.

For more information on how to make money from advertising through blogging, you can read this article of ours,

Apart from Google Adsense, there are many other ad networks which we have mentioned here.

Advertising is still a great way to earn more money from a blog, just you should have the knowledge to do ad placement.

4. E-book Selling

Selling your own e-book on your blog is also a good way to earn money. How much money you will earn in this way depends on your blog brand.

The more popular your blog is and the more demand for your content, you can price your e-book accordingly.

Suppose if you keep the price of your e-book at $ 29 and you get 15-20 sells every month, then in this way you can earn $ 500 + per month.

If I do my thing, I have not yet sold E-books, but I have full faith and experience that this is the best way to earn extra from my blog.

If you like this method then you now need to know how you can create an attractive e-book, what kind of images and content do you have to use in an ebook?

This is a great way to earn money separately from blogging. You must try it once.

5. Sell Online Courses

If you cannot or cannot build your own e-book, then you can sell other online courses, books on your blog.

At many stores like Store, you will get more than one course. You can choose online courses according to your blog Niche and send them to your blog.

It is exactly like affiliate marketing, when someone will buy the online course through your referral link then you will get some commission.

There should be a sticky selling product in the empty sidebar of your blog.

6. Selling Own Service

You can be a blogger as well as a web developer, designer, expert or you can have any other talent. You can also make that talent your own way of earning from blogging.

For example, besides being a blogger, I am also a small web developer, designer, blogging expert and I charge per hour for these services.

  • You can charge per hour.
  • Can do designing or developing.
  • You can optimize the client's site.
  • New bloggers can help.
  • Companies can promote products.
  • SEO of companies' websites can be done.
  • If you have any extra skills, then you can offer it for service on your blog.

But there is a big problem with this method because you have to talk to users to discuss about the services and have to give separate time for it.

Yes, if you can spare a few hours every day from your daily work, then you must do this work, along with the earnings, there will be branding of your blog.

7. Freelancing

Freelancing is not for everyone. But if you need immediate money then you can work as a freelancer for another blogger.

There are many bloggers who earn money by not writing their own blog and writing content for other big bloggers. There are many companies and websites that offer up to $ 300 for writing quality content.

There are 2 major benefits of this, one, you will not have any tension about the blog and secondly, you will also have the experience of blogging.

As a freelancer apart from content writing, you can also get paid by helping other bloggers in optimizing, ad placement, design issues.

These are the methods of making money from blogging which are used the most and which earn the most. I also use myself.

In conclusion,

If you are a skilled writer then this information means a lot to you and you know what to do next. According to my you should start using these methods right now.

I hope you like this information, because if you want to earn more money through blogging, then this article will be helpful for you.
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